Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Alleppey - Venice Of East

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Biswarup Unplugged

Meet My Friend and colleague Biswarup Roy Choudhury – Speaks a little, thinks a lot. I wanted to grill him because he loves to be grilled. Biswarup, perhaps one of the biggest football fans I have ever seen in my life. He also writes about his favourite club Arsenal ( Here he goes...

Who exactly is Biswarup Roy Choudhury ?

A normal, uncomplicated person.

Are you a maniac or an intellectual?

Well, I’m not reckless, I’m not irresponsible. I may be a little impulsive sometimes, but I’m definitely not a pseudo intellectual. Given just these two options, I would say I’m more maniac than an intellectual.

Robert De Niro or Al Pacino?

That’s a very tough question. Both of them are great actors. But for his sheer diversity of roles, I would say Robert De Niro.

Megan Fox or Monica Belluci?

Monica Belluci.

Please tell us something about your love affair with booze?

My love affair with booze started when I was in college. Actually, I first saw her once or twice when I was in High School (Class XI). Then we lost touch for a year or two. After college we started meeting more regularly. These days it is an off and on relationship. Whenever we meet, we enjoy each others company.

Why you are so passionate about Arsenal?

I have to use a cliché here. ‘Poetry in motion.’ That is what Arsenal display when they play football. I first started watching Arsenal after World Cup 1998 when I found out that Patrick Vieira, Emmanuel Petit and Dennis Bergkamp played in the same team. I liked the way they played their football. It was not the typical hoofball. Neither was it the tight defensive Italian football. The short passes, the quick movement off the ball... I was hooked. Football is not only about winning. It's about entertainment. The sheer joy of watching creativity on display. Arsenal have it all and more. We Gooners are lucky to have a stable board and an intelligent manager. I have enjoyed every moment of my association with the club as a fan. The highs of winning the double, going 49 league games unbeaten and the lows of losing the title by point to United and losing the Champions League to Barca. Arsenal are one of the better things in my life.

Where is your soul?

Part of is it in a certain area of New Delhi, the other in North London.

You are addicted to?

They keep changing. These days it is Farmville on Facebook

What makes u happy?

I don't know... It's hard to explain. I guess good relationship with friends and peers, a satisfactory day at work, a good result for the team. And when Tottenham lose.

Fish or Pork?

Although I risk the wrath of fellow Bengalis, I'd say pork.

Why do you read novels?

Time pass. To be honest, I am not too fond of reading novels. I haven’t heard of half of the authors out there. I guess I don’t have the patience.

If you were reborn as a woman, who would you rather be?

I was tempted to say Mother Teresa...but I think I'll choose the other extreme and say Countess Elizabeth Báthory.

Are you happy the way your life is moving on?

I'm not. I can never be satisfied. Call it greed or call it a quest to continuously improve myself, I'd want my life to be better tomorrow than it is today and even better the day after tomorrow. I guess everybody thinks the same way.

What is your passion and what is your obsession?

I’m passionate about football. I love to watch games, discuss them, write about them. Obsession? Don’t have any

You can't live without.....

Television with all available sports channels, internet

Do you want to remain a bachelor?

Don’t let my girlfriend hear that question. The answer is NO

For you, life means?

A series of milestones.

You hate gays. Am I right?

Hate is a strong word. I am not homophobic. I may not agree with the idea of homosexuality, but I don’t hate or dislike people who are homosexuals. That is their life and their choice. I have no problem with that.

People say that you are reticent. Why so?

I am not. I am just misunderstood. Yes, I do take time to open up to people. But once you know me, you'll realise that I'm not that bad.

Am I valuable to you?

Yes, our friendship is valuable to me.

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