Saturday, May 2, 2009


Delhi is burning, as the temperature crossed 40°Celsius

Yet, the arrivals of new green leaves and flowers made the city more beautiful.


Friends, dudes, folks, colleagues etc, etc,. I am taking a break and will be back with lots of images. Till then, take care and good bye.


Ingrid said...

That's indeed too much, no wonder that the birds are thirsty. We only have 9° this morning maybe 17° this afternoon.

Plamena Markova-Koleva said...

i'm still waiting high temperatures in varna...

so see u and your photos later :)

Onkar said...

Excellent photogrphs. Pl. return soon.


beautiful photos, i like it very much

Jeevan said...

Yes, its burning here too, but hope not like Delhi.
Well captured the crows and leaves, don't take much time and be back soon deepak. take care :)

roentare said...

The colour and the images are spetacular in deed!

Kadri Luik said...

We still have snow in our back yard, =)

Love the bird photos, looks almost as a kind of bird we have here. And the light and the shades in the leaves looks so nice, warm and inviting.

Aviral said...

nice pics man...and ya delhi is burnng like hell, but i like it...
btw, do return soon

Tantra Flower said...

Beautiful shots, as always. Have a nice break. I wish you peace and prosperity during your reprieve, and always. Namaste

Unknown said...

nice shots!the colors are great!

Cezar and Léia said...

wow your pictures are outstanding!
Here in Brazil the last Summer was scorching!Now we have mild weather ( we have autumn).
Kind Regards

Rajesh said...

You have made simple things look beautiful through your snap. Good stuff.

Jama said...

We've never reached 40degrees C before, but it's still scorching at 32d C here!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous shots! I esecially like the birds drinking.
We will have 31º today, pretty much for May!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the birds found some respite from the heat, hope you do too. Have a brilliant break, hope you come back refreshed and ready to take on whatever life throws your way next :)

Anonymous said...

kaa... kaa... nice pics. its so hot in Chennai too.

Indrani said...

Have a nice time. :)

Cat said...

Lovely capture of the birds! Doesn't feel like summer here just yet.

magiceye said...

enjoy your break!!

Priyanka Khot said...

awesome clicks... the poor birds... good that people keep water for the birds in this hot weather

stromsjo said...

I need a break after hearing about 40°C. Take care.

Joy said...

40 degrees! I know what that feels like. Are you taking a break because of the heat? Enjoy your time off and come back soon with more wonderful photos.

Sorry for not visiting sooner. I was away for 3 days. Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come back tomorrow for a new series!

A Pinay In EnglandYour Love CoachI, Woman

Devika Jyothi said...

It all looks so nice in your pictures, Deepak :)

Have a good break and come back soon :)


ChAsMeBadDoOr said...

lovely pics.. i loved the crow pics...

Tinsie said...

Great pics! Enjoy your break.

Erdei Anca said...

Every picture is great! good job

Anonymous said...

hi it's very interesting

Diana Sahu said...

Its burning in Orissa too.....But ya the summer blooms make the place beautiful in a usual lovely pictures Deepak.

Be back with more. Take Care.

get zapped said...

Enjoy your break and thank you for leaving us with sun wonder images to view....

Tussy said...

Beautiful photos again :)

and here in Thailand weather is so HOT too.

You got a Posty: Posty of Taj Mahal, Monument of Love

Anonymous said...

bathing crows :)

Galina Drogaytseva said...


JUD RV said...


magiceye said...

lovely captures all!!!

roentare said...

your images are very refreshingly unique and special

Great images

Cat said...

have a nice break :) Looking forward to more beautiful images!

Tash said...

Have a great vacation ... I hope that's what it is. Look forward to seeing your new photos. Stay cool!

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