After Biswarup, I wanted to grill Priyanka Khot, my friend and colleague. She speaks a lot. A lot means a lot. God knows where she gets so much energy. Quite talented and interesting person. Here she goes...
So how can you describe yourself though I know it is quite difficult?
I am a thin woman trapped in a fat woman’s body. :-)
I like to believe that I am simple enough to approach but complex enough to maintain interest.
Shoes or earrings?
Earrings in shape of shoes. I have a few.
Tell us something about your love affair with coffee?
It is steamy… ;-)
If I am right you are quite passionate about novels. Why?
Novels take me away to places I have so far not been and help me form a bond with people I am sure I would love to have in my life in some way. They are an escape from the real life. For me novels are an addiction without the bad effects of vices.
Do you appreciate others’ works?
I have over the years developed a keen sense of art – be it photography, writing, painting, music or dance. I know when I see something nice and never ever stop short of praising anything that has an impact on me. I have appreciated a lot of your work Deepak. You can vouch for this trait of mine.
Do you compromise with your life?
No. I don’t believe in compromises. I just believe in living life to the fullest.
Who inspired you in your life?
I have a lot of inspirations. My teachers always told me, learn what to do and even what not to do from everyone you meet. I try to remember their words. So I try finding inspiration in everyone I meet. My mother has inspired me the most with the way she has lived her life and brought up my brother and me after my father’s death.
I know you are crazy about Shahrukh? Why so?
He gives me hope that if I work hard enough things will work out. For more on why Shahrukh Khan is my God, you can go to my blog. (Self promotion at any given opportunity is a bloggers’ best trait.)
How much do you love your boyfriend?
I don’t have a boyfriend as of now. The hunt is on. :-)
Money or fame. Which comes first ?
Work comes first. Money, fame and accolades follow.
Despite being a modern girl, you are not addicted to fashion. Explain please.
I love buying clothes, bags, shoes ad accessories for myself but I am not obsessed and don’t go overboard. I believe these things can help form the first impression. But that is it. Beyond that, your words, intentions, actions, behaviour and attitude are all that matter. And modernity has got nothing to do with fashion. Thoughts and mindset should be modern, attire can be traditional if one is comfortable in that.
Being a responsible citizen, do you contribute to our society in any form?
I try to do my bit. That said I believe any good you do with your right hand, your left should not come to know. So I would like to keep this part of life under wraps.
Do your friends really help you when you need them?
Yes. My friends are my life support. They help me when I need help and even when I think I don’t.
Do you like to date Barack Obama if given a chance?
No. I think he too old for me. Plus, it is against my principles to date Nobel laureates.
Nobody knows your dream. Reveal it here
My dreams are too scandalous to be revealed on a family blog like yours. Hahahahaha. On a serious note, I guess I tend to move to a new dream when one is realised.
Are you mischievous?
Yes. You know that. I always have a glint of mischief in my eyes.
I don’t know your passion and obsession. Share it with us.
My passion is writing. Obsession is a negative term, I try to stay away from negativity.
Do you lose your temper often?
Yes. I am short tempered and I will admit I absolve myself of the guilt very soon.
Your life revolves around?
Family, Friends, Films, Books and Music.
Any advice for me?
Keep clicking more and more beautiful photos and smile more often.
Thanks a tonne Deepak! I love the photos and thanks for making me feel like a Diva!
Priyanka and Deepak CONGRATULATIONS !!!The most interesting interview...the lady looks pretty and so does her smile,her first diamond.Fun reading...thanks !!
Samrt and lovely girl, Deepak....
and you seem a naughty interviewer of sorts....and photographer as well! :))
well, we all know that, right? :)
Good post...these posts are a welcome move and makes the blog an interesting one :)
Oh typo at the very start..
***Smart and lovely girl, -- i said :)
she has a beautiful smile.beautiful photos
Thanks a lot Devika.
ha! no mention, Deepak :)
Do you compromise with your life?
No. I don’t believe in compromises. I just believe in living life to the fullest.
Good answer.....i like it...
I enjoyed this very much, Deepak. Thank you for sharing this lovely human being with us! Namaste, dear friend. :)
Beautiful smile! :)
"I am a thin woman trapped in a fat woman’s body" - and sister-in-arms! :)
Interesting woman :) It was a pleasure to read this interview!
Wah wah!! immpresivE!! keep goin di!!
Thanks for putting this. Got to know more about the girl I know as "blogeshwari".
@priyanka: On Obama + Nobel Laurets -- agreed not all are so good [ ]
but there are few[ ] who have been far better than our aaj kal ke chirkut heroes :) :)
I know comment is irrelevant but Self promotion at any given opportunity is a bloggers’ best trait. :) :) just learning from blog guru :)
Lovely interview :)
Deepak ....
a woman speaks always a lot
a woman have always many energy
Very Good.
Very, very nice, Deepak. It is nice to get to know Priyanka Khot through your photographs and her words.
Superb photo call! I like this series of yours!
your portraits tell the story that your words also tell~
that clothes make these portraits a little bit interesting for me beacause here in this side of Europe the culture is different.
gr8 interview..and y will it not be? a celebrity lensman interviewing a talkative gr8 friend of mine..i felt very happy to c this interview deepak..priya looks gr8 in the photo.. camera trick? hehe joking ya..she is a pretty lady..and a good hearted one too. keep up the good work buddy. am lucky to have come across your blog..
Great photos, I especially love then one with the earings.
I don't think she will be hunting for long, what a great lady.
this woman is very gorgeous. :) love the pics and the interview too. same to you too, keep up the good work!
beautiful series ... interesting and cool answers ... very well done.
This was a Priyanka we really didn't know of, at least not all of us.
The interview is awesome and the photographs are too good, as usual and kudos to both Deepak and Priyanka for coming up with this.
Deepak, I am waiting for your next interview now....:-))
oooooooooooooooo, she is such a cute woman! I'd like to have a friend like her :)
I am in love with coffee as well :D Well more than in love, I am addicted :D :D :D
What a lady you are.
She is adorable!
Léia :)
i gave you "leapsa" you must publish 2 photos made by you on your blog:one funny photo and one very important for you
Very nice portraits!
Your friend must be on cloud nine now! :)
I like her. She's funny and I like her choice of using the word passion over obsession (although I will continue to use the word obsession).
I have a couple of friends up who sat in as my guest bloggees today. Come meet them
Interesting interview! and that lady look so pretty and poise.
Nice to meet with your friend,Priyanka. She is very beautiful and gorgeous. I liked all her photos and the interview is very interesting. Lovely post.
I really enjoyed this interesting interview! And thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice compliment :-)
Interesting and fun reading! You're doing a great deed deepak, introducing us to new people. She is very pretty :)
the pictures are so nice , such a fun read, wonderful and congratulations !
deepak taarif ka mohtaj nahi hai..but dis idea of interviews of people around him deserves a big applause.i remember he had talked about this idea to me when we used to work together.he had intended it to be a joint effort, wherein he would click the pics and i would ask the questions.well the plan didn't actually materialise that way, but that didn't deter him from pursuing it.akele hi sahi.and therein lies the beauty of being deepak.always sure of himself and his sochta hai, sala wo kar hi leta hai.akele hi sahi.aur koi kuch bhi kahe :)
@priyanka khot: "complex enough to maintain interest" - True :)
"It is steamy" - gud one :)
"family blog like yours" - family blog!!!!this one?????just look at d film roll!
"Obsession is a negative term, I try to stay away from negativity. "- I liked dis :)
Great attempt Deepak... I loved the questions you asked Priyanka. When you had told us that you wanted to "grill" her, I didn't think you would be able to do justice to who she is. But you actually have succeeded in making her reveal quite a lot of things about her. I just so wish you would have grilled her a bit more on the dreams aspect :-)the answer would have "spiced up" the entire interview :-) God bless...
@ Priyanka: I think I already know you a lot, so there wasn't anything new to read. But I was glad to see the big smile on your face, when you saw "yourself" on the blog..and hey m happy that you have got another set of photos to stare at for hours...and hours...and hours... :-) Love you...God bless
Quite a cool post!
Garden Lizard
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