Friday, March 13, 2009

Aliens In Delhi


Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Where did they emerge from? :) They look like aliens in snake body :)

Smoked Off Face at the Willingdon Crescent in Jamnagar
Birdhouses, Birdfeeders, Birdbath

Plamena Markova-Koleva said...

scary :)

Kadri Luik said...

I love them! =) Now I wish I could touch them too.

Devika Jyothi said...

Wonderful capture of sculptures, Deepak :)

Made me laugh so loud for the title...I feel I should be standing among them...Feel so alien here at times! :))



beautiful photos and very interesting.

Asja said...

oh, wow, they're kind of scary looking. wouldn't want to see them in the dark :)

Wahokia said...

I knew they would land somewhere.

अविनाश said...

now then....what was dis?
its simply out of box..what is this?
plz lemme know

nice shots

Ingrid said...

What it that ?? I don't believe in aliens (yet), lol!

Silly Girl said...

:) they look great!

magiceye said...

amazing work!

Unknown said...

These are SO cool! They remind me some famous fiction movies! :-)

M. Umer Toor said...

Who conceived it?

Joy said...

How very interesting! Who's the artist?

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Indrani said...

Made of stone or concrete?

anne said...

where IS this thing??? its so freaky!!

abc said...

I thought they were cactuses first...

Priyanka Khot said...

where did u spot these... these look amazingly disgusting... hehehe three eyes and all... makes for a good photo-op for sure...

nice clicks. Loved the palash phool too :-)

stromsjo said...

Trying to get a sense for the scale, how tall are these thingies?

Jeevan said...

fantastic... the title and the sculptures :)

get zapped said...

Farout! Nice capturing of these aliens...

Anonymous said...

That is so weird! Great photos though :)

Tantra Flower said...

How neat. I love them! Like Kadri, I also want to touch now. Peace, Deepak.

Cat said...

Didn't know there was Aliens in Delhi hehe :) Very cool!

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